How I got the idea for my book series

It started as a dream I had one night. I won’t say a simple dream because it was actually very elaborate and vivid. The dream was the basic plot line of my book (no spoilers) and a few extra details. So my book (my first one) has been a combination of dreams, whether they be lucid or not or even day-dreams, and the ideas I compiled later on. This form of writing may seem complicated but it’s actually relatively simple…. well, simple for me because my mind works a little different from others. I remember dreams like actual memories, but I can tell the difference. The different ideas for my book(s) came from many different sources: other books, imagining different situations, video games, movies, tv shows, and dreams (as previously stated). Among other things. So every time I sat down to write, I wouldn’t start until I had formed, merged, and/or mentally drafted the ideas I had swarming around in my head. There were some nights where I would stay awake for a long period of time just thinking of one or possibly several ideas to add. But again, the basic, starting plot line for my first book, was one single dream I had one night in July of 2014.